Read Pricing Disclaimer

At Panhandle Metals, we offer an array of metal building options, including carports, garages, barns, sheds, and more. Our sales team is here to serve you with the most competitive pricing and highest quality of service. Before you commit to any purchase from us, please read this pricing disclaimer so that you are comfortable with the cost structure for our products and services.

In order to provide you with the most reliable pricing estimate, we consider a variety of factors. Steel market prices, geographical location, building type and size, customizations, roof style, building certification, foundation, and the use of metal buildings, are all taken into account when calculating our price quotes. Our team of experienced professionals will take the time to understand your requirements, limitations, and budget, helping you understand the scope, implications, and trade-offs of your different options before providing a competitive quote.

We would like to mention that a price quote is the base price and that there may be other costs involved in the project that must be taken into account before you receive an accurate estimate of the total project cost. Moreover, the quoted price is not guaranteed to remain the same, as it may change depending on the current market conditions and other factors.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding our pricing, please feel free to give us a call at (806) 731-4815. Our experienced staff are always ready to help you with your questions, and to make sure you are getting the best prices available. Thank you for choosing Panhandle Metals for your metal building project!